4 Ways to Live a Spiritually Rich Life No Matter What You Believe

4 Ways to Live a Spiritually Rich Life No Matter What You Believe

We all have a spiritual dimension to our being. Yet we don’t all define spirituality the same way, and therefore don’t all go about satisfying our spiritual needs in the same way.

Regardless of what your personal approach to spirituality is, at the core, the essential spiritual need we all have is the same: to feel a sense of meaning in life and to find moments of complete presence, awe and gratitude. Do you agree?

I personally appreciate the following definition of what spiritual practice involves...

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Ashwagandha- The Herb of Youth and Vitality

Ashwagandha- The Herb of Youth and Vitality

Also known as Indian Ginseng, Ashwagandha is a lot of fun to say, but that is the tiniest benefit of all! It can also keep your mind sharp, you joints supple, your stress low, your skin radiant, and your mood elevated.

Withania Somnifera (Ashwagandha) is a medicinal plant that through clinical studies has been verified as an effective treatment for...

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Stress isn't the problem. It's THIS...

Stress isn't the problem.  It's THIS...

I remember having a conversation with a psychologist friend about an issue I was having with not feeling motivated enough to complete a project. I was completely astounded when she said that it sounded like I didn’t have enough stress to get it done. Not enough stress?, I scoffed. Well that’s a first. I’d heard over and over about how important it is to reduce stress, but never until that point had I been advised to go get some more of it!

She proceeded to explain that there is such a thing as “good stress”; a level of stress that stimulates you enough to get you focused, engaged, and motivated. So at this point, mind=blown, right? I mean, wow. It’s not just stress we need to be aware of, but good stress vs. bad stress. Good stress provides the stimulation you need to...




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